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"Trusty is a platform that helps food producers to tell the story behind the product, explain the techniques, the raw material used, and establish a direct relationship with the customer. Trusty is the easiest and most secure way to share information alongside the supply-chain. Using Trusty increases customer engagement and brand reputation, reduce waste and optimize the supply chain.
Customers through a full disclosure about the provenance and ingredients of products, journeying through the entire supply chain with a simple scan of a QR-Code. In the data the producer inserts into the platform, can be attached also pictures, document, certification, description of you company, a direct link to your social media, the kind of packaging you use etc.
The producer is also able to see statistics about the scanning process, like the location of the person who scanned it etc., and these information are useful for the company to define in a detailed way who are its clients and adapt the right marketing strategy.
Trusty uses Blockchain technology to certify and secure all the information about a product. In particular, Trusty can be used by any player alongside the supply chain to authenticate the information (purchase order, dispatch advice, receiving advice quantities and products related to it) through a Simple-App that notarize information in a Blockchain Technologies to protect and secure data. Trusty is not a Blockchain Platform for the Food Industry, Trusty uses blockchain technology to notarize and makes immutable the information in the Food Industry.
According to the international traceability standards (GS1 EPCIS 1), it enables Food Producers to:
● Declare company and related information;
● Declare Facilities and related Information;
● Declare Products and related information;
● Declares Lots and traceability events;
Trusty also uses the GS1 Digital Link 2 standard, and this standard extends the power and flexibility of GS1 identifiers by making them part of the web. Digital Link uses GS1 Identifiers such as GTIN as a gateway to consumer information to create customer engagement, improve supply-chain, and share traceability information.
Trusty is a platform entirely developed by the company “Apio S.r.l.“. It is a Software as a Service platform deployed on Cloud Infrastructure, as mentioned before, and integrates seamlessly with blockchain permissionless or permissioned.
As said, Trusty also uses GS1 Digital Link to generate standard QR-Code. The platform is already used by several food producers in different product sectors, for example:
· Extra Virgin Oil;
· Diary product;
· Rice;
· Wine;
· Meats and Cheeses;
But can be applied in several other sectors"
Apio s.r.l.

Apio è un’azienda nata nel 2014 con l’obiettivo di creare un ecosistema Hardware e Software capace di Scalare ed Interoperare nei più svariati ambiti di applicazione della Internet of Things.

State of development
Industrial application
"Being Trusty a software as a service developed with REST-API, it allows stakeholders to use a plug and play structure. The industrial application is: 1-Companies that develop industrial machines 2-Large scale distribution and big retailers 3-Public companies and certifiers where the structure of a system of collected information of traceability allows to improve the audit processes"
Advantage factor
Preemium version, user friendly, B2b2C
Proposal cooperation
Apio s.r.l.

Apio è un’azienda nata nel 2014 con l’obiettivo di creare un ecosistema Hardware e Software capace di Scalare ed Interoperare nei più svariati ambiti di applicazione della Internet of Things.
